Friday, 29 November 2019

Just Frame It

For PBS gala day we did photo frames. For the lfew last weeks we were learning about bussniess and Enterprize for this event. Here is my frame.

Coffee shop

LI: to balance supply and demand for a profit.
For inquiry we had to play coffee shop. We had to read the tutorial so we know how does the game works. We had to make a screenshot of the end of the day or you canmake a screencastify.

Tennis Doubles

LI: To play Double Tennis.
This weeek we played in double tennis. Double tennis is when two players play against another two players. Both players on each team should have turns hititing the ball. The person closer to the ball should hit the ball. We practised by playing double.


L.I to identify the parts of a narrative

We started picking our characters and settings for our narrative. Then we had to write a character and setting description about each of our characters and settings. We had one male, one female character, a Los Angeles setting, a abandoned farm setting and a area 51 setting.


LI: To novel study.
For reading we had to do one of the follow ups. The follow up that I did was the character web I had to fill out the feelings,looks,Acts like,Personality. The character that I did was George from George"s Mavellous Medicine. He likes eating chocolate,like making medicine and like helping his grandma. He acts like a boy that helps his grandma and hates his grandma. He has a red shirt, his skin color is pale and his hair is yellow.His feelings are exicted and worried of his grandma sometimes.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Kiwi Can

LI: To respect others for their differences.
For Kiwi Can we were learning about we have DNA and beliefs,ideas,customs. And we were learning to hold your tongues. That means that you think what you want to say before saying it.We also learnt about other culture,religion and custom. Our activity was Spot the differences. We had to be in pairs and numbered ourselves in 1 and 2. One partner had to change their pose. The other partner had to spot the difference.Then we swaped over and
repeat the process. The activity helps us observant.

Friday, 15 November 2019


Image result for foodprint

LI:To learn bussiness.
The person who talk about Foodprint was Michael. Michael talked about the jouney she has been in. Foodprint is a small bussiness owner. Planning for two years and six month open. Foodprint are Environmental friendly. Food waste is a problem could be distributed to those in needSocial issues, food needed for survival. problems come with how food is produced.Overproduction means 1/3 of food produced is wasted every year... 1.3 billion tonnes of food - landfill = decays and produces methane gas which contributes to climate change Action to reduce this is reduce amount of food wasted.

What is being wasted?
20 million loafs of bread are being wasted in New Zealand a year. Wasted natural resources and labour and money.

Foodprint is an app to provide food at lower prices instead of wasting oversupply when demand has decreased. Service providers need to narrow scope to be successful.Foodprint is a social enterprise to help people, business and the planet and it is about the carbon footprint of food.

Naming a business is important-think about where it’s going to be seen - does the name fit on a app - is it catchy - can it become a brand (logo, colours, instantly recognisable, reputation)
250 cafes supply the food to meet customer demand. Promoting/Advertising/Marketing needed to grow your business by hooking in new people - capture interest

Self promotion through media and presentations.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Tennis learn the basic tennis movements.
This week for tennis we did fore hand and back hand. We also learned the half serve. For the fore hand and back hand we had to remember to hit the ball gently to the other person as your buddy. Coach Peter teached us the throwing part just with a ball throwing it diagonally to the other opinion. Next we started the serve. The serve was not a full serve but we did half serve, starting on the shoulder and we throw the ball with our left hand and we had to throw the ball high about a meter high and then hit the ball with our racket.
We are going to dot eh full serve next week.
I look forward to do it.

Kiwi Can

LI: to learn communication.
Our theme was Respect and the topic was Respectful Communication.
For Kiwi Can we were learning Respectful Communication.
Our Energizer was Counting fingers. After the eergizer it was dicussion time .
For our dicussion we were talking about why we communicate respect and what do we sent to other people. After the dicussion was activity.
Our activity was called Musical cones.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Flim Festival

I watched "Kolo Song" from Tamaki College
It was fun and intresting.
Link to the Movie


LI:to learn Macrons
For Maori we were learning macrons and what's the role in maori languge. Macrons are those minus above the letters.

Manaiakalani Flim Festival 2019

I watched Making a new friend from Pt England School.
It was fun and intresting.
Link to the movie

Friday, 8 November 2019


LI:to learn Macrons
For Maori we were learning macrons and what's the role in maori languge. Macrons are those minus above the letters.
We were learning new phrase and words. 
They were 
How are you?= Kei te pēhea koe?

cold = makariri
hot = wera
Tired = ngenge
Sleepy = matemoe

Friday, 1 November 2019

Author Study

LI: to Novel Study.
This week for reading we had to do one activity. I did author study. I had to study the author that is Roald Dahl.