Thursday, 19 March 2020


Visualising is drawing an image map, mind map, or infographicabout text that is difficult to understand.

To visualise a difficult sentence, break it up into parts and then draw each part.
If there are any words that are unknown, they should be looked up in the dictionary. Children's are best suited for young learners.

Visualising is a good way to easily understand difficult texts.

LI: To visualise a section of text to aid understanding

Complex Sentences

A complex sentence is one full idea with an incomplete idea add on.

Complex sentence use the AAAWWUBBIS conjunction. The AAAWWUBBIS conjunction are After, Although, As, While, When, Until, Before, Because, If and Since.

Complex sentence are not complex. The conjunction are just weird.

First Waka

Originlly there were no people in New Zealand. The first people to settle New Zealand came in a series of waka.

The first ten waka were named Kurahaupo, Takitimu, Mataatau, Tainui, Te Arawa, Aotea,  Tokomuru, Horutua, Uruao, Arai-te-uru.

Most of the waka visited the North Island. Some of the places the waka land at were Te Awanui, Raglan and Takou bay.

The ten waka came to NZ to discover new lands for people to live.

LI: Early Exoploration.

Friday, 13 March 2020


LI: to comment on others.
For commenting we had to commet to other. I commented on Leon's Kiwi Can blog post.
I said to him that I like learning things from Kiwi Can, so what do you like learning from KIwi Can.


LI: to learn about listening

For Kiwi Can we were learning about listening. Listening is one of the important skills to have because when we listen we know what to do.

The activity we did was Kiwi Can Whisper. This game is like Chinse Whisper. This game helps with listening.

Cone it is a game that is Bop it same rules but with the cone. THe cone is when Mrs Gracie says it you have to  take the cone away. Cone helps you to listen as well.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Kiwi Sport

LI: to play a game and drill for Rippa.

Our coachs Yoana and Ice.

For Kiwi Sport we were doing one drill it was running. We had to run to the blue cone and pass the ball to the person behind you and pass it back then we run to the yellow cones and run like a zic zac after we run around the flag then pass to the person.

The game we played was the real game. When you are a red tagged you go to Ice if you are Green tagged you go to Yoana.

Place Value

LI: Modeling numbers of 6 digit.

Place Value means that where the digit is in the number
For maths we had to do a slide deck that shows what is place value, what does place value include and how they move when the numbers getting bigger and smaller.When you are adding the numbers move to the left. When you subtract the numbers the value move to the right. 

Early NZ Exploration

Kupe and Cook are two important explorers in NZ's History.

Kupe arrrived in NZ in 1100's. He travelled by traditional methods on a traditional sail boat. Myth has it Kupe followed a giant octopus. He did voyage to find new land for his people to live. His wife named NZ Aotearoa after seeing mountains under the clouds.

Cook arrived in New Zealand in 1768. He travelled by a boat called Endeavour. This boat got heaps of storage to put food and accesories and this boat has a cannon. Cook was stabbed by the natives on the Hawaiian island because the natives of Hawaii think that he was great god then they ate him to be like him but they didn't.

Kupe is important because he was the first documented person in NZ.
Cook is important because he mapped NZ and open it up to the world to access.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Skimming and Scanning

LI: To find specific facts about Scanning.
LI: To find general knowledge by Skimming.

Scanning is looking keywords to find information readers need.
Skimming is reading topic sentences to get a basic idea of the book or texts.

Our group had to make an poster about the book called New Zealanders. Our group had to answer Skimming and Scanning question on a google drawings.

Compound Sentence

LI:to write meaningful and intresting compound sentences.

A compound sentence is a sentence that has two simple that joins with a comma and a conjunction.

Writers has to start by two simple sentences and choose one conjuction the fits in with the sentence.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Comment theard

LI: to comment on other blogs.

Today I commented on Leon's Inquiry blog post.
Even I said I like learning peopl that I don't know and words that I don't know. So what person or word you don't know.

Rippa Rugby

LI: To play a game and drills.

Our coachs were Justice and Andrew.

For Rippa Rugby we were doing some drills from last week for a warm up. We had to pass and catch the ball. We have to catch the ball with an "W".  The games we played was Rippa tag and Rippa rugby.

First we played Rippa tag. We had to be out of the square then when Andrew or Justice blew the whistle we all go in and rip other peoples tag when the last person in the square that person wins.

The second game we played was a real game of Rippa rugby. When you get the ball you have to go to the other side but when you get rip you pass the ball to your team mates.

Number Line

LI-Solve addition and subtraction problems by compensating with tidy numbers (including equal additions).

The number line activity was about exaplaining the answers for each of an equation with a number line and how to solve them using the add or subtract 10 method

The equations were 123 + 18,  228 – 19, 91 – 29,  596 – 89, 312 – 9, 991 + 88

If solvers has an hard eqaution use the add or subtract 10 method.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Explorers and Adventurers

Explorers and Adventurers are people who travel and discover new things.

Explorers are people who travel to find new things and record them for the community such as Zheng He, Tupaia, Ibn Battuta and David Livingstone.

Adventurers are people who travel to take part in something for themselves. Such as Takuyu Onishi, Neil Armstrong, Jean Batten and Amelia Earhart.

Explorers and Adventures need to have or show many different attuides and attributes such as Open Minded because having the chance to change your mindset, Knowledgeable because so that you can take your knowledge and use it for something positive.

Both Explorers and Adventurers travel to new places and need similar qualites although their goals are different.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

SSR Selfie

LI: to summarise and retell the text
For this activity I did the SSR Selfie.
This activity was about summarising and retelling by ansering questions on the slide.

Simple Sentence

LI:To write meaniful and intresting Simple sentence.

A simple sentence is one idea. An idea is one action performed by one actor.

A simple sentence can be made by following steps that consider the actor, action, and description.

Simple sentence have one idea but don't need to be short.


Keywords are woe words that help to research speafic information about a choosen topic.
They can also give approprite information to youngers learners.

 Keywords are for norrowing down the information gained by an internet search.

Keywords can be used to find information that is understandable and readable by children.
Keywords are useful tools that should be used in every search.

LI: To idendify keywords to search for information about Marco Polo

Legal and Ilegal images

A legal image is an image that can be used with permission by law.

Image creators give legal permisson to use thier images by adding a sharing license.

It is important to use legal images to help creator, and so users don't get in trouble
When users find a images auttribute and give credit to the creator.

LI: To understand what legal and ilegal images are.