Fractions are the equal pieces of a whole object.
Decimals are less than one.
The bottom number of a fraction is called the denoiminator. The denimintor always be the same because if its not the same it gives a different fraction. The top number of a fraction is called the numerator. The numerator is the amount of pieces. If both of the numbers are the same, the fraction is a whole.
Improper fraction are unequal part, the reason why improper fractions are unequal because the numerator is bigger than the deniminator.
Proper fractions are equal parts of the whole because the numerator is less than the denoiminator.
Mixed number fractions are a whole and a part of a fraction. For example 5/3 is the same as 1 whole and 2/3.
Decimals are a short way to write fractions and mixed numbers with denominators that are powers of 10, like 100,1000,10000, etc. If a number has a decimal point, then the first digit to the right of the decimal point describes the number of tenths. For example, the decimal 0.9 is the same as the fraction 9/10 .
Fractions is a good way to learn how to divide things equally.
LI-Mixed number and Improper Fractions.
Improper fraction are unequal part, the reason why improper fractions are unequal because the numerator is bigger than the deniminator.
Proper fractions are equal parts of the whole because the numerator is less than the denoiminator.
Mixed number fractions are a whole and a part of a fraction. For example 5/3 is the same as 1 whole and 2/3.
Decimals are a short way to write fractions and mixed numbers with denominators that are powers of 10, like 100,1000,10000, etc. If a number has a decimal point, then the first digit to the right of the decimal point describes the number of tenths. For example, the decimal 0.9 is the same as the fraction 9/10 .
Fractions is a good way to learn how to divide things equally.
LI-Mixed number and Improper Fractions.