Monday 7 January 2019

Surf Ups

My favorite thing is the going to Wellington all of the friends that I made was in my language and my language is Kachin.


  1. Good afternoon David,

    Great to hear about how you like going to Wellington!

    I'm Lee here, one of the SLJ team. So there are a lot of Kachin speakers down in Wellington? Interesting! I love it down there, too. I like how you can walk everywhere around the town, and there seems to be better shops than in Auckland. Are the friends down there part of your family?

    I hope to read a lot more of your blogging!

    Talk to you later
    - Lee

  2. Greetings David,
    That's great you have made a start on the summer learning journey. I hope you keep on blogging to earn more points. That photo looks really good of your family.

    Keep it up David!
    By Chavda

  3. Hello David! I would love to visit Wellington. It's great that you get to go there quite often in Summer. What do you do there at Wellington? Keep it up!

  4. Hi David...great to see you blogging on the SLJ. There's still some time to complete the activities before school begins - how many more can you get done? Keep up the great work.


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