Rounding is a skill in maths that usually use addition and division. Rounding means to circle the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, and more.
Addition and divison are both strategys the are used for rounding. To round, the person needs to find the mean, to find the mean get a set of numbers like 12346 then, add all of the numbers, 16 is the answer.
After, divide the number by the amount of numbers you've got so, 16 divided by 5 is 3.1. So 3.1 is the mean.
Here comes the rounding part comes in, so if the numbers are 5-9 they are called high five and the numbers that are 1-4 they are called four floor. Look for the last digit, so 1 will be in the four floor after, you round it to the nearest ten so 1 became a zero because it rounds to the nearest ten, so the final answer will be 3.
This investigation shows how long it takes to complete a phsical activity. Once a person finished the activity they find the mean, the median, the mode, and have to convert the times in seconds, minutes, hours, and have to round the times to the first or second decimal place.
Rounding can help people to add and divide to make maths easy or hard depending on what level you are at.
LI investigate units of time.