Friday 13 November 2020

Novel Study | Reading

A novel study is finding out information about a novel or a story and makes an idea of that information.

This novel study was based around Matilda written by Roald Dahl. This story is about a little girl who loves reading, and is incredibly smart, however she is disrespected and treated unequally by her parents. This novel study has been focusing on the elenfth, twelfth and thirteenth chapters of the story.

In the eleventh chapter, Bruce Bogtrotter was called out for sneaking into the kitchen and eating Miss Trunchbull's private chocolate cake. So, Miss Trunchbull held an assembly and forced Bruce Bogtrotter to eat a giant chocolate cake as a consequence.

In the twelfth chapter, Miss Honey tells the class that Miss Trunchbull will be visiting the class to see how well the students have been taught. Lavender takes this chance to trick Miss Trunchbull and capture and put a newt in her cup of water.

In the thirteenth chapter, Miss Trunchbull finally visits Miss Honey's class and tests them on their spelling, multiplication and reading skills. Miss Trunchbull punishes the children whenever they get it wrong, and is confused by Matilda's wisdom.

Novel studies can help the reader study their understanding of a book .

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