Wednesday 16 December 2020

Optical Illusion | SLJ

For this activity I made my very own optical illusion.

Before making the illusion, I learnt about illusions and how to make them. My illusion is called the literal illusion. It is a two images in one. 

When starting the illusion, it soon gets frustrating by picking another one.

Some illusions don't get confusing but some do. For me I can see both pictures because of thins the illusion isn't tricking me.

This is my illusion:


  1. Hey David,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts and I hope you’re enjoying your summer.

    Your post is really cool, slightly spooky even. Lots of these illusions can be tricky to see and to recreate but I’d love if you could give this task another go and follow the task video or search for how to make an optical illusion so you can present your own.

    See you later in the comments.


  2. Hey Daniel,
    Nice to see you again, Thanks for your great advice, but I like the one that I did so what was your idea for the optical illusion?

  3. Hey David,

    If you do not want to do redo this task that is fine. But for future tasks make sure if it asks you to create your own work that you don't plagiarize work form the internet. You need to make it yourself.

    All the tasks will give you videos and instructions on how to make it yourself and I'm exited to see what you come up with.


  4. Hey Daniel,
    All of them true, so I won't do it again.
    Thanks for comment threading with me



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